Шеррилин Кеньон // Sherrilyn Kenyon
Псевдоним: Кинли Макгрегор // Kinley MacGregor


Темные охотники // Dark Hunters
1. Fantasy Lover (2002, 2006) – Любовник из фантазий
2. The Beginning (2003; in Sins of the Night, 2005; included in Acheron, 2008) – Начало*
3. Dragonswan (anth. Tapestry, 2002; reprinted singly in 2005; anth. In Other Worlds, 2010) – Драконица*
4. Night Pleasures (2002) – Ночные удовольствия*
5. Night Embrace (2003) – Темные объятия
6. Phantom Lover (anth. Midnight Pleasures, 2003) – Призрачный любовник*
7. Dance with the Devil (2003) - Танец с дьяволом
8. A Dark-Hunter Christmas (in Dance with the Devil, 2003) – Рождество Темного охотника*
9. Kiss of the Night (2004)  – Поцелуй ночи*
10. Night Play (2004) – Ночная игра*
11. Winter Born (anth. Stroke of Midnight, 2004) – Рожденная зимой*
12. Seize the Night (2005) – Поймать ночь*
13. Sins of the Night (2005)
14. Second Chances (free Exclusive Dark-Hunter Collectible Booklet, 2005; the Dark-Hunter Companion, 2007) – Вторые шансы*
15. Unleash the Night (2005) – Спустить ночь с цепи*
16. Dark Side of the Moon (2006, reprinted in 2007)
17. Until Death Do We Part (anth. Love at First Bite, 2006) – Пока смерть не разлучит нас*
18. A Hard Day's Night-Searcher (anth. My Big Fat Supernatural Wedding, 2006) - Тяжелые будни Ночного Искателя*
19. Fear the Darkness (free e-book, 2007) – Страшись темноты*
20. The Dream Hunter (2007)
21. Devil May Cry (2007)
22. Upon the Midnight Clear (2007) – В полночном свете*
23. Holiday Gatherings (2007) – Рождественские встречи*
24. Dream Chaser (2008)
25. Acheron (2008)
26. One Silent Night (2008) – Одна безмолвная ночь*
27. Shadow of the Moon (anth. Dead After Dark, 2008)
28. Dream Warrior (2009) – Воин из снов*
29. Bad Moon Rising (2009)
30. Infinity (2010)
31. No Mercy (2010)
32. Invincible (2011)
33. Retribution (2011)
34. Retribution Bonus Scene (2011) – Рождение Себастоса Юдоруса Партенопайуса*
35. The Guardian (2011)
36. Infamous (2012)
37. Time Untime (2012)
38. Повесть из сб. Dark Bites (2012)
39. Inferno (2013)
40. Styxx (2013)

Подсерия: Охотники-оборотни // Were-Hunters
1. Dragonswan (anth. Tapestry, 2002; reprinted singly in 2005; anth. In Other Worlds, 2010) – Драконица*
2. Night Play (2004) – Ночная игра*
3. Winter Born (anth. Stroke of Midnight, 2004) – Рожденная зимой*
4. Unleash the Night (2005) – Спустить ночь с цепи*
5. Dark Side of the Moon (2006, reprinted in 2007)
6. Shadow of the Moon (anth. Dead After Dark, 2008)
7. Bad Moon Rising (2009)
8. No Mercy (2010)

Подсерия: Охотники за сновидениями // Dream-Hunters
1. Phantom Lover (anth. Midnight Pleasures, 2003) – Призрачный любовник*
2. The Dream Hunter (2007)
3. Upon the Midnight Clear (2007) – В полночном свете*
4. Dream Chaser (2008)
5. Dream Warrior (2009) - Воин из снов*
6. The Guardian (2011)

Подсерия: Hellchasers
1. Where Angels Fear to Tread (anth. Blood Lite, 2008) – Куда боятся ступать ангелы*
2. Bad Moon Rising (2009)
3. Time Untime (2012)

Подсерия: Хроники Ника // Chronicles of Nick
1. Infinity (2010)
2. Invincible (2011)
3. Infamous (2012)
4. Inferno (2013)

Бюро американской безопасности // Bureau of American Defense
1. BAD to the Bone (anth. Big Guns Out of Uniform, 2003)
2. "Captivated" by You (anth. Tie Me Up, Tie Me Down, 2005)
3. One BAD Night (anth. Born to Be BAD, 2005)
4. BAD Attitude (2005)
5. Turn up the Heat (anth. Playing Easy to Get, 2006)
6. Phantom in the Night (with Dianna Love, 2009)
7. Whispered Lies (with Dianna Love, 2009)
8. Silent Truth (with Dianna Love, 2010)
9. Just BAD Enough (anth. Deadly Promises with Dianna Love, 2010)

Подсерия: Дневники секс-лагеря // Sex-Camp Diaries
1. BAD to the Bone (anth. Big Guns Out of Uniform, 2003)
2. Turn up the Heat (anth. Playing Easy to Get, 2006)

Лига // The League
1. Born of the Night (1996; 2007; 2009)
2. Born of Fire (e-book, 1997; 2009)
3. Paradise City (1993; 2008)
3. Born of Ice (2009)
4. Fire & Ice (1991; anth. Man of My Dreams, 2004; anth. In Other Worlds, 2010) – Пламя и лед*
5. Born of Shadows (2011)
6. Born of Desire (2011)
7. Cloak & Silence (2012)
8. Born of Fury (2013)

1. Blood Trinity (2010)
2. Eve of Destruction (2011)
3. Fire Bound (2011)
4. The Curse (2012)

Несерийные романы
Daemon's Angel (1995; 2010)

Научно-популярные издания
The Writer's Digest Character Naming Sourcebook (1994; 2010)
The Writer's Guide to Everyday Life in the Middle Ages (1995)
The Writer's Complete Fantasy Reference: An Indispensable Compendium of Myth and Magic (2000)

The Search of Spike’s Balls (in Seven Seasons of Buffy: Science Fiction and Fantasy Writers Discuss Their Favorite Television Show, 2003)
Parting Gifts (in Five Seasons of Angel: Science Fiction and Fantasy Authors Discuss Their Favorite Vampire, 2004)

Love Bytes (anth. Naughty or Nice?, 2001)
Knightly Dreams (anth. What Dreams May Come, 2005; anth. In Other Worlds, 2010)
Turn up the Heat (anth. Playing Easy to Get, 2006)
The Dark Hunter Companion (with Alethea Contis, 2007)
In Other Worlds (2010)
Just Bad Enough (anth. Deadly Promises (with Dianna Love), 2010)

* - любительский перевод

P.S. Библиография составлена Ксю с Мечтательницы, за что огромное ей спасибо!  :air:

Отредактировано Надюшка (14-10-2012 17:59:50)